Baker Family Chiropractic Centers View Company Profile
Education Requirement: Doctorate in Chiropractic Experience Requirement: None Special Requirement: Chiropractic License from the State of California; X-Ray Supervisor and Operator License; and Current Malpractice Insurance. Job Type: Full Time Examine a patientxe2x80x99s spine and determine nerve function using range of motion, spinal palpation, and orthopedic and neurological tests to determine diagnosis; X-ray a patientxe2x80x99s spine and extremities to confirm the diagnosis and determine a prognosis; Plan individual chiropractic treatment programs for patients; Manipulate the spine and extremities of patients; Plan, and instruct patients in, a program of home stretches and exercises; Utilize a variety of modalities, including inter-segmental, lumbar, and cervical traction, diathermy, cryo-therapy, and ultrasound; Monitor patientsxe2x80x99 progress and refer them to other appropriate professionals for further diagnosis and treatment (e.g. neurologist, acupuncturist, massage therapist, physical therapist) when recovery is slower than expected; Instruct patients in the use of orthopedic supplies (e.g. cervical pillow, lumbar support, lumbarsacral belt); Instruct Chiropractic Assistants and other staff in the provision of treatment to patients; Respond to report requests by doctors, insurance companies, and lawyers. Hours: 40+hrs/week Please send resume Attn: Brian Herline/Owner and President 2150 Scenic Dr. Modesto, CA 95355